Guide to loans
The library is fine free with the following exceptions:
New Arrivals | $0.25 per day |
Fast Reads (7 day loans) | $2.00 per day |
Quick Flicks (1 Day loan) | $2.00 per day |
Interlibrary Loans | $2.00 per day |
Devices | $5.00 per day |
Loan Periods
Items | Maximum | Period | Renewals |
Children's Board games | 1 | 7 days | 5 |
Children's DVDs/Blu-rays | 10 | 7 days | 5 |
DVDs/Blu-rays | 10 | 7 days | 5 |
Video Games | 2 | 7 days | 5 |
Fast Reads | 2 | 7 days | No renewals |
Quick Flicks | 2 | 7 days | No renewals |
eBooks and e-audiobooks | 5 | 7, 14 or 21 Days | - |
Books | 30 | 3 Weeks | 5 |
Children's Books | 30 | 3 Weeks | 5 |
Magazines* | 30 | 3 Weeks | 5 |
Audiobooks | 6 | 3 Weeks | 5 |
Children's audiobooks or music CDs | 6 | 3 Weeks | 5 |
Music CDs | 10 | 3 weeks | 5 |
Language Kits | 2 | 4 Weeks | 5 |
Language and Literacy Books | 30 | 4 weeks | 5 |
Book Club kits | 1 | 6 Weeks | No renewals |
Children Book Club kits | 1 | 6 Weeks | No renewals |
*Selected back issues only. Current issues are available for library use only.
Email notifications
Include your email in your library record to receive courtesy, overdue and available for pickup notices. Avoid late fees by signing up for courtesy notices and you will receive an email 3 days before your item is due. Notices are not available for Quick flicks.
Renewing materials
Items should be renewed online through your account before midnight or returned on time to avoid late fines. You can also call 514-485-6900 before closing hours.
Fines will be assessed on overdue items which are renewed late. Fast Reads, Quick Flicks or items on a waiting list may not be renewed.
You will not be able to use your library card once the charges exceed $5.
Returning materials
Material can be returned to the outdoor chute at the library 24 hours a day. The indoor bin at the Aquatic and Community Center is available during its opening hours. Material returned to it will be transported back to the main library twice a week.
Material returned overnight and before opening hours will count towards the previous day.
Multivolume items should be returned intact (user guides with kits, a DVD in its case, etc). Incomplete multivolume items will not be checked in until all accompanying parts are returned.
Lost, damaged or long overdue items
Some of our materials are not replaceable. Please handle everything you borrow with care. Do not write on or tear out pages. Try to avoid situations which may cause water damage. If something is damaged, do not try and fix it yourself. Please notify the library.
When items are 31 days late, members will be charged the full replacement cost, plus a billing fee of $5.
If you have lost or damaged a library item, please contact the library at 514-485-6900 ex. 4103.