Local Authors


The library welcomes submissions from local authors who wish to have their book added to the library's collection.  A local author is one who is a resident of Côte Saint-Luc. 

All books must meet Côte Saint-Luc Public Library’s Collections Development Policy

The author must be the legitimate rights holder of the work being submitted, and the work must comply with all applicable Canadian legislation.     

We accept applications for titles that are:  

  • Newly published within the past 2 years   
  • Written in English or French  
  • Have an ISBN  (International Standard Book Number)
  • Professionally printed and bound as:  
    • Hardcover  
    • Library binding, or  
    • Trade paperback  

Books may be removed from the collection at the Library’s discretion, according to the Collection Maintenance Guidelines. Books will not be returned to authors. 

Through inclusion in the Library’s collection, the Côte Saint-Luc Public Library supports the author’s efforts to make their work accessible to the larger community. 

If you would like your book added to the library’s collection, please complete the Local Author Application form

For a current list of local authors and their works,click here.  


Recent Titles




The library is proud of its local authors and will strive to promote their work to the Côte Saint-Luc community to the best of our ability by offering: 

  • Inclusion of their work for a limited time in the library’s new book area. 
  • A videorecorded interview with Councillor Mike Cohen as part of the library’s Local Author Series made available on the library’s YouTube Channel.  If you are interested in participating, please contact Maria Ressina.  Note that not all authors will be selected.  
  • Opportunity to include a self-made audio podcast as part of the bibliographic record in the library’s catalogue.  
  • Inclusion in our display of books by local authors during Canada Book Week (the third week of April) and Public Libraries Week (the 3rd week of October), or Children’s Book Week (4th week of April) 
  • Opportunity to participate in the library’s annual Local Author Book Market where local authors can meet their readers and promote and/or sell their works.  If you are interested in participating, please contact Justin Burnham. A minimum number of author participants is required. The library is unable to offer individual book launches or book signing events.